Having examined the national chairpersons for the Romney campaign's "Catholics for Romney," let's turn to
the "Catholics for Obama" team. I spent considerable time looking up the co-chairs -- and there are a lot of them, mind you. As I looked at the Obama website, I did so with the intention of ascertaining what credentials each of these co-chairs brings to the table. It seems to me that you would want people with a very outward and immediately recognizable Catholic identity. Try as I might, I could not figure out why some of these people were chosen. That is, I think the ultimate decision to include some of them was not so much because they are Catholic but because of some other appeal. Let's take a look at each member named on the Obama website in order of appearance.
Polly Baca

She is a former Colorado state senator and a minority. There is no mention on the Obama website that she is Catholic.
It is reported elsewhere that she told Obama to stay away in 2010 when she was running for re-election. I looked at
her Wikipedia page, which anyone is free to edit (including Ms. Baca), but there is no mention of "Catholic" whatsoever (as of this date). Indeed, in
an article about her being honored for her work with Israel, there is no mention ofher being Catholic. The
Archdiocese of Denver website lists her as a member of its review board, but you are not required to be Catholic to serve on such a board. (I was a bishop’s delegate to a review board for several years, so I know this to be true.) Lastly, even on Answers.com. which contans a lengthy biography of Ms. Baca, there is no mention of her as a Catholic. Rather, it identifies her more with Chicanas than her faith.
The Hon. Elizabeth Frawley Bagley
Bagley is "Honorable" because she was an ambassador to Portugal under Clinton. Her profile on teh Obama website never mentions the word "Catholic." Neither does her
biography on Wikipedia. We learn that Elizabeth
Frawley Bagley was born July 13, 1952 in Elmira, New York, and that she is an
attorney specializing in trade and international law, a diplomat, and a
major Democratic party donor and
fundraiser. Here is some more interesting stuff from her Wiki bio:
Her late husband, Smith W. Bagley (1935–2010) was an heir to the R.J. Reynolds tobacco fortune and a vice chairman of finance for the Democratic National Committee, and the Bagleys were regarded as "two of the heaviest financial hitters in the [Democratic] party." Closely associated with the Clintons since Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign, Ambassador Bagley was a "bundler" during Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential campaign who became a "HillRaiser" by raising more than $100,000, and the Bagleys contributed over $1,000,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Ambassador Bagley was also "part of the national finance team for the Obama campaign, having personally raised about $350,000" as of August 2008. Together the Bagleys "raised the maximum $600,000 for President Obama's inauguration events" in 2009.
Bagley was reportedly a key player in securing the Catholic vote for Obama in the 2008 election. Here is an expose claiming Frawley-Bagley "manipulated the Catholic vote" as the
board chair of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good.
Rep. Xavier Becerra
Nicholas Cafardi
From Pennsylvania, Cafardi is a lawyer
and a canon lawyer. So he does have sufficient mention on the Obama website of
his work with Catholic organizations. What is not mentioned is that in 2008, he
was asked to resign
from board of Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio, because of his
controversial support of Obama. He is a writer for the National Catholic
Reporter, a liberal publication that reports on the Catholic world. Cafardi recently
wrote an article saying Obama
is more pro-life than Romney and alleging that Romney profited from
abortions through Bain Capital. There has been plenty
of de-bunking of this ridiculous suggestion. It would seem that Cafardi
wrote his own biography on
the Duquesne website, as he calls himself “one of the foremost lay canon
lawyers in the United States.” Although I do not know him personally, I know
scores of canonists, and they do not hold this same high opinion of him.
Kathy Dahlkemper

Dahlkemper’s Wiki-bio mentions Catholic only as her religion,
but does mention that she is on the diocesan marriage preparation committee
with her husband. Dahlkemper was a 1-term (two years) congresswoman from Pennsylvania
from 2009-2011. This
against her in 2010 slammed her for voting for Obamacare, and as a result she
lost her seat in the 2012 election that saw Republicans gain a majority in the
“Dahlkemper supported the Stupak-Pitts
Amendment, an anti-abortion amendment to America's Affordable Health Care Act
of 2009 (HR 3962), but later voted in favor of Affordable Health Care Act
despite the Stupak-Pitts Amendment not being included.” Dahlkemper
asserted “
wouldn't have voted for Obamacare if I'd known about the HHS Rule.” I guess she took Nancy Pelosi seriously when she said they had to pass the bill to see what's in it.
Rep. Rosa DeLauro
Sen. Dick Durbin

He is a liberal Senator from Illinois. I will not spend time
writing about him. If you don't know why he is on this team, then I cannot explain it to you!
Miguel Foster
There is no picture of Foster on the Obama website, so I
cannot distinguish him from Adam when I Google his name. All it says on the
Obama website for him is: “Miguel Foster serves as the director of the Civil
and Human Rights Department of the United Auto Workers.” As a result, I can
find that he is on the
Council for Latin American Advancement. He is obviously a union supporter
and is on the board of the
AFL-CIO. He also appears on a list of “Coalition members” on a website
People Before Banks,
which states: “We are a coalition of labor, faith and neighborhood groups who
are fed up with the unfair foreclosures scarring our communities.” No other details
are available about Mr. Foster. I think he is from Michigan., but I guess if
I cannot identify him, it is hard to say he is not a good Catholic! Who is John Galt?
Thomas Groome
Rep. Marcy Kaptur
According to her Wikibio, Kaptur has been in Congress since
1983, almost 30 years. “Catholic” is listed as her religion and that is its
only mention in her biography. Kaptur
Dennis Kucinich for the Democratic nomination earlier this year, a race
that came about because Ohio lost two Congressional seats. She will run against
Joe the Plumber in the November election for that northern Ohio Congressional seat. Her biography on the Obama website
says: “Congresswoman Kaptur is a parishioner at Little Flower Roman Catholic
Church and a graduate of St. Ursula Academy, where she received the
distinguished alumnae award in 1995.” If that’s all it takes--graduate from a Catholic institution and be a member of a parish--I would be
qualified to be a co-chair! Except I suppose you also have to want Obama to win. Scratch that.
Victoria Reggie

So it appears Obama is continuing to tap the 1%. What are
Victoria Kennedy’s credentials as a Catholic, other than being Ted Kennedy’s
second wife and widow? Maybe it is that she was invited and then
to speak at a Catholic college earlier this year. I think whoever invited
her in the first place should probably be terminated for not properly vetting
her, but is sympathy for a humiliated woman (albeit a Kennedy) enough of a
reason to vote for a man who is destroying our country? I can see no
credentials other than Mrs. Kennedy was married to Ted Kennedy, and
wrote a preface for a booklet in 2008 called
A Catholic Case for Obama. I hope that means there is a very small
pool from which to choose. I suspect it is because she played an active role in helping pass Obamacare in 2010.
Victoria Kovari
Kovari is the female Barack Obama, as she is said to be a “community
practitioner and social activist” in Detroit. She has said in an article that
Church should stay out of the birth control issue. I guess that’s why she
is on the Obama team. She is a former Interim President and National Field
Director of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, which is “
of public and heretical Catholic dissent.” She is almost as qualified as
Ms. Kaptur since, according to the Obama website, she is a member and currently
serves on the Parish Council of Gesu Catholic Church in Detroit. She did not
graduate from a Catholic school, apparently.
Gov. Martin O’Malley
Jim Oberstar

According to the Obama website, Oberstar served as a United
States representative from Minnesota from 1975 until 2011. Minnesota, home of
Al Franken. Enough said – qualified. In his Wikibio,
the only mention of Catholic
is in as his religion. We learn that he went to Georgetown. Another tick for the
qualified-to-be-on-Obama’s-team box. Oberstar was another victim of the Tea
Party in 2010 after serving 36 years in Congress.
Wreck of the Jim Oberstar is a piece that is not flattering to
Representative Oberstar.
Lawrence Parks
Mr. Parks was tough to pin down. There is no Wikipedia page
for him. When I Googled him I kept getting entries for parks in Lawrence, Kansas.
Parks is employed by FHL Bank, San Francisco, as
Vice President for External and Legislative Affairs. He also has a law
degree. He has given
in Congress. He worked for Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, who died during
Clinton administration.
Sr. Jamie T. Phelps
No complaints on this member of the team. She has a record
of devoting her life to Catholic causes. She is an
Adrian Dominican Sister.
Sister Jamie is a
of the Board of the National Black Catholic Congress. I have not read
anything to detract from Sister Jamie’s stature as a dedicated vowed religious.
Her ministerial experience is summarized: “In her almost 50 years she has
devoted to public church ministry, Sr. Jamie has served the church and the
community as an educator, social worker, community organizer, pastoral
minister, consultant, lecturer, liturgist, spiritual director, preacher,
retreat director, administrator, scholar, theologian, and author.”
Fred Rotondaro
Rep. Tim Ryan
Stephen Schneck

Probably more than anyone else, this Obama team member’s
views illustrate the deep and growing divide between factions of Catholics over their conflicting positions on
social teaching. Like several others on the team, he is a Board member of Catholics in Alliance and is Director of the
Institute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies at CUA, my
alma mater. At least this
co-chair has some experience actually arguing on the issues that are at stake
in this election. Here is an analysis
Ryan vs. Schneck on the budget . And you can
a contrast between Schneck’s liberal, condescending view of Tea Party
members with that of Father Robert Sirico of the Acton Institute. And to see an
oral debate where Schneck takes a beating, and gets caught up in “Distributive
Justice” and “Preference the Poor,” watch this
on the O’Reilly Factor from 5/12/12.
Lastly, you can read Mr. Schneck’s
obsession with the liberal view of Catholic social teaching in
article called “A taxing problem: How can the nation help the poor?” (Wednesday,
June 13, 2012).
John Sweeney

Here we have another mystery team member. Sweeney's
Wiki bio makes no
mention at all of him being Catholic. He is a former President of the ultra-liberal SEIU. His bio tells a story of how he became President of the AFL-CIO, and it takes up two screens worth on the Wikipedia page. The piece reads like a mob story, describing the bitter
battle over the presidency and how Sweeney made it to the top. He is identified as a
member of the National Academy of Social Insurance. And he
a speech in 2009 on the need to control the rising cost of health care. Other than that, the mention of him receiving the Medal of Freedom from Obama is the only other nexus between them.
Mark Tuohey III

Lastly, due to the alphabet only, is another
lawyer from D.C., Mark Tuohey III. His qualifications from what I can glean are that he went to Jesuit schools, he worked on Bobby
Kennedy’s campaign in 1968, and he was a
“Washingtonian of the Year” in 2005. A little probing reveals Mr. Tuohey was involved in the
investigation of Vince
Foster and Whitewater during the Clinton administration. And, he helped bring major league baseball back to Washington – Obama
ALMOST gets my husband’s vote for that one! The Nats are in first place at present and hopefully headed to a pennant!
So, we see several union bosses, some Hispanics, some African-Americans, some Caucasians, some lawyers, some Congresspeople, some socialites, and a few who even have theology credentials. Are there any midwesterners? Oh yes, Colorado. Hmmm, mostly Pennsylvania, Michigan, and other eastern locales are represented. I am anxious to see their state chairpersons when they roll them out.
Now that we have met the two national teams--Catholics for Romney and Catholics for Obama, I will point out there are some articles already out there praising and criticizing the choices. One fairly even-handed contrast between the two “Catholics-for”
groups comes from Seattle. One notes that, contrary to 2008, there will (can) be no pro-life plank in Obama platform this time around.
I am sure there will be more to write about in the coming weeks as these national teams of leaders begin to work their magic on the Catholic populace. Wait, I can't say that since magic is not a Catholic tenet.
My bet is on the Catholics for Romney to make an early mark on the race. Any takers?